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Aerial Dance: About Us

Aerial Dance Project

This Project aims to link motion and exercise with the Arts, Sports and Culture, highlighting Historical and Cultural monuments, making the most out of Leisure time and cultivating/promoting Well being.


Opening ceremony of Applied Leisure Lab
Department of Physical Education & Sport Science
University of Thessaly
in cooperation with Municipality of Trikala.

Aerial Dance: Video

Second Act of Applied Leisure Lab
Department of Physical Education & Sport Science
University of Thessaly
in cooperation with Municipality of Pyli.

Aerial Dance: Video

Aerial dance from a hot air balloon above lake Plastira
Applied Leisure Lab
Department of Physical Education & Sport Science
University of Thessaly
in cooperation with Thessaly Province.
The performance is also part of a travel video by Explore DMC that includes 40 unique experiences a visitor can enjoy at the region of West Thessaly.

Aerial Dance: Video
Aerial Dance - Central Bridge
Aerial Dance - Palaiokarya
Aerial Dance: Videos
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